Mobile App Monetization in 2024: Strategies to Boost Revenue

In the ever-evolving world of mobile apps, the competition is fierce. As of January 2024, there were approximately 1.8 million apps available on the Apple App Store and about 2.4 million on the Google Play Store. Yet, despite this vast number, the average app only brings in a meager $1.79 in revenue.

So, what can app developers and publishers do to ensure their apps not only survive but thrive in this saturated market? Let’s delve into some effective strategies to monetize mobile apps, ensuring they stay afloat and even rise above the competition.

What Is Mobile App Monetization?

Simply put, mobile app monetization is the art of making money from a mobile application. There are various methods to achieve this, including in-app advertising, in-app purchases, the freemium model, and more. These strategies leverage the app’s user base to generate revenue.

Why Is Mobile App Monetization Important?

Over the years, there has been a significant shift in app pricing. In 2009, 77% of apps in the Apple App Store were paid, whereas now, only 10% require payment upfront. Similarly, in the Google Play Store, paid apps make up just 3.1% of the total.

This transition to free apps means developers must find innovative ways to generate revenue while providing a seamless user experience.

12 Best Mobile App Monetization Strategies In 2024

1. In-app Advertising

In-app ads are ubiquitous, ranging from banner ads to video ads and native ads. They are a popular and effective way to monetize apps. Predictions indicate that revenue from in-app ads will nearly triple by 2025, reaching an impressive $226 billion.


  • Better Results: In-app ads perform up to 11.4 times better than banner ads on mobile websites.
  • Targeting Capabilities: Advertise relevant apps to a specific audience for more effective marketing.


  • Low Engagement: Click-through rates (CTR) can be low, averaging around 0.1%.
  • Competitor Promotions: Your competitors’ ads might appear in your app, potentially diverting users.

2. Interstitial Ads for Increased Engagement

Interstitial ads cover the entire mobile screen and appear at natural transition points within the user flow. They offer powerful engagement and can be effective if implemented correctly.


  • Powerful User Engagement: Full-screen ads are difficult to ignore, ensuring higher viewability.
  • High CTR and CPM Rates: Advertisers are willing to pay more for interstitial ads due to their engagement rates.


  • Penalties for Improper Implementation: Follow platform guidelines to avoid penalties.
  • Delayed Loading Time: Large ad size can impact app loading times, affecting user experience.

3. Native Ads for Seamless Integration

Native ads blend seamlessly into the app’s interface, resembling regular posts. They offer a non-intrusive way to monetize apps and have high engagement rates.


  • Improved User Experience: Non-disruptive ads lead to a better browsing experience.
  • High Engagement: Studies show native ads have significantly higher CTR compared to traditional display ads.


  • Complex Customer Targeting: Requires more data and segmentation for targeted campaigns.

4. Freemium Subscriptions for Conversion

Freemium apps offer free access with in-app purchases for premium features. This model has been successful for apps like Spotify, with a conversion rate of 24%.


  • Scalability: Allows a user base to grow without high marketing costs.
  • Try Before Buying: Users can experience the app before committing to a purchase.


  • Limited Upsell Interest: Some users may not upgrade to the paid version.
  • Affects User Experience: Too many ads or upsells can frustrate users.

5. Premium Subscriptions for Stable Revenue

Premium apps require an upfront payment for full access. While this model offers a stable revenue stream, it may deter users who are hesitant to pay upfront.


  • Reliable Income: Subscriptions provide predictable revenue for developers.
  • Ensures Longevity: Users who pay upfront are more likely to remain engaged.


  • Expensive for Users: Upfront cost can be a barrier, especially for occasional users.
  • Limited Reach: May not attract users unwilling to pay upfront.

6. In-App Purchases for User Engagement

In-app purchases allow users to buy features or items within the app. This model, popular in gaming apps, can be strategically implemented for maximum revenue.


  • Convenience: Users can make purchases without leaving the app.
  • Flexibility: Wide range of content and features available for purchase.


  • Alienates Users: Users may feel pressured to make frequent purchases.
  • Brand Perception: Careful selection of purchases to avoid a “pay-to-win” perception.

7. Affiliate Marketing Offers for Additional Revenue

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other apps within your own. While commissions may not be high, it can create brand associations and generate revenue.


  • Cost-effective: Generates revenue without charging users.
  • Brand Relationships: Builds partnerships with other brands.


  • High Competition: Competitive landscape for affiliate marketers.
  • Brand Trust: Risk of promoting apps that do not align with your brand.

8. SMS Marketing for Direct Engagement

SMS marketing, though considered old school, can be effective when done right. It provides a direct way to offer discounts or promotions to users.


  • Easy Implementation: Data collection and message sending are straightforward.
  • User Retention: Reaching out to inactive users can boost engagement.


  • Perceived as Spam: Intrusive messages can annoy users.
  • Limited Tracking: Difficult to track effectiveness of SMS campaigns.

9. Email Marketing for User Engagement

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing remains effective. It can engage users and encourage app usage.


  • Speedy Buying Process: Emails can lead to quicker conversions than social media.
  • Ease of Implementation: Simple subscription process for email lists.


  • Devaluation of Brand: Email spam can harm brand perception.
  • User Consent: Requires user consent for email marketing.

10. Sponsorship Ads for Targeted Advertising

Sponsorship ads involve partnering with a company for exclusive advertising rights. This model offers targeted ads and cross-promotion opportunities.


  • Audience Targeting: Tailored ads for specific audience segments.
  • Cross-Promotion: Promote other products within the app for increased revenue.


  • Finding Sponsors: Requires finding a suitable sponsor with similar user base.
  • Brand Alignment: Sponsorships should align with the app’s brand and values to be effective.

11. Licensing for Predictable Revenue Streams

Licensing data collected by the app can be a lucrative monetization strategy. Apps like Waze have successfully licensed their data to businesses for location-based ads.


  • Consistent Revenue: Provides a reliable stream of income.
  • Data Control: Ensures data usage aligns with the app’s values.


  • Costly: Licensing data can be expensive, especially for smaller developers.
  • Time-Consuming: Negotiating with data providers can be time-intensive.

12. Crowdfunding for Early-stage Funding

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGogo offer a way to raise funds for app development. This strategy provides access to a large audience and can create a supportive community around the app.


  • Access to Audience: Reach a broader audience for funding.
  • Funds Injection: Quick infusion of cash for app development.


  • Competitive: Requires a strong brand voice to stand out.
  • Community Building: Time and effort needed to maintain supporter engagement.

Three Best Practices for Mobile App Monetization

To ensure successful app monetization, developers should prioritize the user experience. Regardless of the chosen strategy, the app’s usability and enjoyment should not be compromised.

1. Invest in User Acquisition

Constantly acquiring new users is vital for app growth. New users bring fresh engagement and potential revenue streams.

2. Hybrid Monetization

Implementing multiple monetization models can mitigate the limitations of each strategy. A mix of in-app ads, in-app purchases, and subscriptions can create a balanced revenue stream.

3. Analytics and Data Utilization

Utilize analytics to understand user behavior and optimize revenue-generating opportunities. Data insights can inform decisions on which strategies work best for the app’s audience.

Which Monetization Model Is Best for Your App?

Choosing the right strategy depends on various factors, including the app’s function, competition, and target audience.

  • App Function: Consider what problem the app solves and how users interact with it. News apps may benefit from subscription models, while gaming apps may excel with in-app purchases.
  • Competition: Researching competitors’ strategies can provide insights into what works in the market.
  • Target Audience: Understand your users’ preferences and willingness to pay. Tailor the monetization strategy to their behaviors and interests.

Final Thoughts

Mobile app monetization is a complex yet vital aspect of app development. The 12 strategies outlined here offer a roadmap for developers to boost revenue and sustain their apps in a competitive market.

Ultimately, the success of an app’s monetization strategy depends on careful consideration of the app’s purpose, target audience, and competition. By experimenting, analyzing data, and staying attuned to user feedback, developers can find the right mix of strategies to generate revenue while delivering a seamless user experience.

Remember, if you’re new to app monetization or seeking expert guidance, companies like Publift offer valuable insights and technology to optimize ad revenue and app performance.


How Do I Monetize My Mobile App?

Popular methods include mobile advertising, in-app purchases, and subscriptions. Choose a strategy that aligns with your app’s purpose and user base.

Which Are The Best Mobile Ad Networks in 2024?

Some top ad networks include Publift, Admob, Smaato, Unity, and InMobi. These networks offer various options for app publishers to monetize their apps.

How Much Money Can an App Make?

Earnings vary based on factors like user base, ad network, and revenue model. Successful apps can earn thousands of dollars per month.

How Do I Choose a Monetization Strategy for My Mobile App?

Consider your app’s function, competition, and target audience. Tailor the strategy to provide value to users while generating revenue effectively.

In conclusion, the landscape of mobile app monetization is diverse and evolving. By understanding the options available and aligning strategies with user needs, developers can navigate this terrain to create successful and profitable apps.

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